
We want to sing about the love of danger, about the use of energy and recklessness as common, daily practice. [...]
We have already scattered treasures, a thousand treasures of force, love, courage, astuteness, and raw will-power; have thrown them impatiently away, with fury, carelessly, unhesitatingly, breathless, and unresting... Look at us! We are still untired! Our hearts know no weariness because they are fed with fire, hatred, and speed!... Does that amaze you? It should, because you can never remember having lived! Erect on the summit of the world, once again we hurl our defiance at the stars!
The Futurist Manifesto

Yes, I am aware that many of these ideas are out-there.

  • consciousness is a big thing, bro
  • paideia for everyone
  • affirmation of life
  • serious narratives, serious cultures
  • love is the answer
    • good life is about loving someone and loving doing something
  • Clarkian technologism
    • the belief that many more inventions are possible than currently imagined, e.g. anti-gravity drives
  • morphological freedom
  • biosingularity / smart fraction support
    • basically people becoming more intelligent over time in order to increase the wellbeing
  • hedonistic imperative / paradise engineering
    • it needs a right mimetic framework as a counterpart though - I don't believe David Pearce's negative utilitarianism is the right starting point
  • BCI-facilitated consciousness amplification
  • meta-utopia, free world triumphalism (in which each invididual wins, but at the same feels as part of some meaningfull collective)
  • simulated realities engineering aka Matrix
  • materiophilia
  • Apollo/Manhattan/Plowshare style project revivalism
  • Israeli state dynamism
  • extreme energy abundance and labour abundance
    • "we need more robots, not money"
  • state actively trimming unproductive rent-seeking sectors (eg. regulations, financial sector)
    • e.g. housing should not be an investment good
  • individual compression progress maximalization
  • на коленки design philosophy
  • fighting complification
  • reality is the best simulation
    • test in reality, bro
  • singletons are a failure mode and should be avoided (e.g. world government)
  • computers makes us stupid
    • I am in favour of doing more work with pen and paper, with my hands --> faster design cycles