Victimized masters, heroic slaves

Reading Nietzsche conditions one to think of masters and slaves (mostly in the context of morality, but it often spills over to other areas). Nowadays it is obvious that this distinction is not politically correct and that we would rather use the words leaders and followers respectively. Besides, there is nothing wrong with being a follower - most of us are and it takes a certain form of insanity to be a leader, having a clearly defined vision of the future.

Back to my point though - I don't think Nietzsche's classification is fully developed. To me it is missing one axis: the one of courage, or, in other words, the classification between a hero and a victim.

Ok, we are now ready to create a simple 2x2 matrix of:

  • heroic masters
  • victimized masters
  • heroic slaves
  • victimized slaves

Two important questions come up:

  • Which one is your quadrant?
  • How should we populate it?

For the latter question, here is my take:

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