Life is a gift

My grandpa always says that he is happy to be alive because life is a gift and that we should rejoice – I agree with him, I believe he is onto something very important and that there is a huge shortage of people thinking like him.

At the highest level, there are two approaches to being alive:

  • Life is suffering
  • Life is a gift

Life is suffering is essentially a victim mindset and it’s intellectually easy – I have been put on this planet without purpose, blablabla… It is boring, it reduces vitality.

Life is a gift is the opposite – it is a heroic mindset, it is not a given, but working on it increases vitality; I also tend to think about it as somewhat Dionysian.

A short summary of how I think about the two mindsets:

Life is suffering Life is a gift
victimized heroic
passive 5th force of nature, agentic
no intrinstic meaning deep intrinstic meaning
suffering by lifeless Universe gift by God
defensive offensive/exploratory
reduces vitality overflows with vitality
self-fulfilling prophecy demands action
~Apollonian ~Dionysian

On a tangent, my down-to-earth friend A. has had a very interesting take:

Maybe the key is that your life is a gift, but not to you, to the people who know you