Feeling the gradient

It is November 29th once again, 333th day of the year - I have been alive for 10592 days.
I am turning 29 today: my life is well underway and it terms of stages, it is the end of the beginning. Sure, there is some chance that a person to live 1000 years was already born, but I don't think it will be me - I view death as a fundamentally good invention, essentially recycling biomass into more and more complexity and all the goodness that comes with it.

I acknowledge that this is what my life is like, and at the same time I am aware that this is what my youth was like, with all the mistakes and ignorance that came alongside it. I am not an old man though; I am not nostalgic: actually, quite the opposite - hallelujah and forwards.

For quite some time, probably ever since I learnt calculus, I'd thought about gradients and with time I began seeing more and more gradients everywhere - until some time ago my friend and I developed a narrative about following the gradient to experience the juicy part of life, to feel like on a rollercoaster.

I can feel the life gradient myself - as I am getting older, the compression progress gradient gets steeper and steeper, making the life past faster and faster.

My wish, or rather a decision, is to step on my personal gradient, and hopefully experience the exponential part of it. Essentially, I wish myself to put all my Life-force energy into the fabric of Universe with great results along the way - I wish myself more life wisdom that can't be obtained from books, more life stories, more memories for my mind to remember each day differently.

Lastly, I want to thank a lot the people that have been part of my life: it has been a hell of a ride so far and trust me, my intentions were good and I tried my best. I want to especially thank my close family here, my Mom in particular: THANKS MOM for all sacrifice and support throughout all these years. I don't want to know who I would have been without you.

  1. Alleluja i do przodu.
  2. SIŁA
  3. Rinse and repeat.